**Disclaimer: These are just a few of the many amazing results with our animal patients. Please note that every animal and every case is different, and chiropractic care can give no guarantees for results**

“I didn’t really know how to convey the impact of how beneficial chiropractic treatment has been for Bella using my own words, so I just thought I would show you the before and after. These videos were taken two days apart with a trip to your office in between. Your treatment is the difference between us having to say goodbye to our sweet Bella and getting to enjoy her for a little while longer. Our four girls, ages 8, 5, 3, and 2, are so grateful we found you!”

– Joel H.

Tex experienced an unfortunate incident where he tangled his hind legs and panicked. Chiropractic relieved the severe pain he had in his pelvis. Manual fascial work and kinesio-taping addressed the swelling in his right stifle and leg. Within two visits, he was back to 100%.

Buck suffered an injury where he lost the function of his right fore and hind limbs (hemiparesis). The second video is immediately after his third adjustment.

At a very young age, Tash was attacked by an adult dog that snuck into her nursery. The damage was so bad that she could only get around by scooting on her belly. The vet said that if Tash was not able to regain the use of her right-front leg within a few weeks, the only option would be to amputate. Tash responded very quickly to adjustments and a small splint that Dr. Katie fashioned for her. Tash is now an active, adult dog and spends her days hiking and paddle boarding with her owner around Lake Tahoe.

This horse was standing square on a level surface in both pictures. Visually note the height of each tuber sacrale and tuber coxae.

You can see the difference in the balance of the body after a very specific chiropractic adjustment. (Dr. Katie has 4 years of chiropractic schooling in addition to 200+ hours of animal chiropractic education and several years of clinical experience. Please do not try to adjust your animal, as this can cause serious injury.)

Mickey got injured and lost the use of his hind legs. The suggested option for his care involved an expensive surgery that only offered a 50% chance of recovery. Mickey’s owners opted for chiropractic care and are glad that they did.

Skipita presented for chiropractic care in extreme pain. She had a misalignment in her spine that was affecting the nerves going down to her left front leg, rendering that limb useless. After just one adjustment, her owners saw significant improvement, and following her second visit, she was back to her old self.

“Dr. Katie is a wonderful chiropractor for pets! I took my kitten, Ganesh, in a after he was stepped on and injured his leg. My vet didn’t find any fractures or any issues other than swelling and pain. Dr. Katie adjusted his pelvis and he has been fine ever since! She obviously cares very deeply for animals and I am so thankful I found her!”

- Julia M.

“I started bringing my 12 year old lab/shepherd mix Otis to Dr. Katie a few months ago. He is a big boy and has some problems with his hips. He loves going into the office to see Dr. Katie to get adjusted. She spends a lot of time treating Otis and he feels better after each visit. His mobility has improved since seeing Dr. Katie.”

– Sara S.

“Dr. Katie is great! She helped my 8yo Border Collie when I didn’t know what else to do besides surgery. He had a partial tear in his CCL and could barely walk. I saw a huge difference after the first session, and improvement after each visit. He is now running again and beating his 2yo Collie sister! So thankful to Dr. Katie for getting his body back to his youthful self again!”

- Ellie May K.

Skylar had an unseen accident of some sort that left her panicky and in pain. Her owners knew that something was not right. She seemed relieved after an adjustment, and pain K-taping was applied to areas where she showed signs of inflammation. (She actually fell asleep on the table shortly after!) The c0-treating vet also did acupuncture with cold laser therapy, and this girl is back in the show ring.

“Angel loves her chiropractic visits with Dr. Katie! She’s so chill she just wants to lay down! We’ve seen such awesome changes in helping her be her best and I especially love that after her atlas adjustment a couple months back - she’s way more accepting of scratches behind the ear. She used to shake us off if you came near her ears. Thanks you so much for your amazing care Dr. Katie!”

- Michelle A., Doctor of Chiropractic

Edward William initially came in with neurological issues that led to leg weakness, causing him to fall over into his own pee when he would lift his leg. Because of their long weenie bodies, dachshunds are prone to back issues. He regained his ability to lift his leg properly after his first visit. Edward William is all good now, but requires regular visits to keep him that way.

Jack is a rescue who was hit by a car as a puppy. His hind leg healed, but it will always move a little differently from the other. This causes a shift in his pelvis and low back. Regular adjustments will help keep this guy moving well, and prevent problems for him in the future.

“My cat Tigerlily was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease earlier this year. It took me a bit but I was able to find a chiropractor that works on animals. Dr. Katie has really helped Tigerlily continue to be as healthy as she can. And Tigerlily really loves her. She cuddles up next to her after the treatments. I highly recommend Dr. Katie if your animal is in need of adjustments. I only wish I started earlier. Thanks Dr. Katie.”

- Rachel F.

“We took Sadie in to get her first puppy wellness check. Dr. Katie did a very thorough exam and adjustment, and will be our go-to for keeping our energetic girl in proper alignment! I highly recommend Dr. Katie for your pet’s chiropractic care.”

- Samantha M.

“Dr. Katie is amazing! If your pup ever needs an adjustment, Dr. Katie will do what it takes to make that happen. Shasta wouldn’t let her touch her on our first visit - I had some homework - second visit started out the same but ended with Shasta getting a much needed adjustment. Dr. Katie worked through Shasta’s fears with patience and kindness. I can see a difference in her little waddle already… thank you SO much!”

- Heather S.